Opportunities for Regional Co-operation


Opportunities for Regional Co-operation


New requirements under recent changes to the Land Transport Management Act is for road controlling authorities and Regional Councils to bid for money from the National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) as a region by submitting a Regional Land Transport Programme (RLTP) to the NZ Transport Agency. Previously each local Council put in a separate local bid. This is obviously not such a shift for Unitary Authorities (Territorial Authorities that combine local and regional councils into one body) who were already acting regionally. Regions now more than ever need to decide what is important regionally in terms of prioritisation of regional transport projects.


Working regionally clearly has become even more important in the transport sector. Sometimes the number of local authorities in each region such as in Canterbury (9 Councils plus the Regional Council requires 10 Councils) can make this challenging.


Regional Transport forums/documents include:

  • Regional Transport Committees (RTCs)

  • Regional Transport Advisory Group (RTAG) or Regional Transport Officers Group (RTOG)

  • Regional Land Transport Strategy (RLTS)

  • Regional Land Transport Programmes (RLTP)

  • Regional Active Transport Forums


Regional Transport Committees (RTCs)


These are required by statute and responsibility of the Regional Council or Unitary Authority. Made up of one elected representatives from each Council, NZ Transport Agency Staff, the five Objective Representatives*, and one cultural representative. There will also be a Regional Transport Advisory Group (RTAG) or Regional Transport Officers Group (RTOG) which is made up of a senior transport staff member from each Council. The RTAG/RTOG is quite a influential and powerful group.

Suggestion: Know who is on your RTC esp. who the five objective reps are, and who is on the RTAG/RTOG. Cultivate good relationships with these people and keep them informed of walking and cycling issues.

*Objective reps are selected by a process decided by the Regional Council - this can be 'shoulder tapping” or advertising for interested parties then selected by the Regional Council. The five positions are: Safety and Personal Security (often a Police person); Economic Development, Health (often from DHB), Access and Mobility (often erroneously we think these are AA representatives, ~50% of these currently), and Environmental Sustainability. These five positions represent the five Land Transport Management Act objectives.

Regional Land Transport Strategy (RLTS)


Required by statute. The Regional Council is responsible for writing and monitoring. These are ten year documents and Regional Councils are now required to do a monitoring report every three years.


Regional Active Transport (Walking and Cycling) Forum

Existing Forums:

1) Auckland Regional Walking and Cycling Group

Managed by Auckland Regional Transport Authority (ARTA)

2) Wellington Active Transport Forum

Managed by Greater Wellington Regional Council. Includes walking. Meets quarterly.
www.gw.govt.nz/active-transport-forum/ .

3) Nelson Tasman Active Transport Forum

Managed by Tasman District Council. Attended by Nelson and Tasman Council staff and advocates, NZ Transport Agency, Health staff.

4) Canterbury Active Transport Forum

Managed by Canterbury Regional Council. Balance of walking and cycling presentations. Open mike session at end for announcements and additional comments from audience. Questions after (and sometimes during) presentations enables peer review and assists with final reports etc. Meets quarterly. Networking at lunch before the forum as many people come from out of town. Had 11 now!


Forums are great to attend, for networking, and to present at

A list of possible speakers is available. The list has information about speakers who may be useful for presentations at other forums. This list is intended to help with suggestions for exciting presentations, sharing of best practice, and sharing of innovative programmes/facilities. It also helps to limit the time and money involved in planning a forum. No need to reinvent the wheel!

If you would like support in getting a Regional Active Transport Forum in your area contact CAN staff.

Auckland Regional Transport Authority (ARTA) Regional Walking and Cycling Group

Greater Wellington

Active Transport Forum

Nelson Tasman

Active Transport Forum


Active Transport (CAT) Forum

Brian Horspool

Regional Walking and Cycling


Auckland Regional Transport Authority

PH: (09) 379 4422 Ext 9188




Simon Kennett

						Active Transport and Road Safety Coordinator
			Greater Wellington Regional Council
			PH: (04) 803 0381
			PO Box 11-646


Krista Hobday

Road Safety Co-ordinator Tasman District Council


PH: (03) 543 8551



Private Bag 4
189 Queen Street



Nick Bryan

Environment Canterbury (ECan, Canterbury Regional Council) Regional Transport Planner

PH: (03) 371 7130


PO Box 345
58 Kilmore Street


Nov 2009 www.can.org.nz


 Networking at lunch before the forum as many people come from out of town. pressure washing Spartanburg SC  mobile dumpster rental

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It also helps to limit the time and money involved in planning a forum. https://www.flashpartyphotobooth.com/san-antonio   house painters hamiltonconcrete contractor Austin

Regions now more than ever need to decide what is important regionally in terms of prioritization of regional transport projects.

